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GSM Backhaul

GSM Backhaul: Elevating Mobile Connectivity

Empowering Mobile Network Operators

In the pursuit of seamless mobile connectivity, Rascomstar introduces GSM Backhaul – a game-changing solution for Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) seeking to bridge rural gaps and enhance network resilience.

Strategic Satellite Connectivity

MNOs can now seamlessly connect rural or Base Station Controllers (BSC) via satellite, serving as either a primary link or a resilient backup to fiber infrastructure. This fortified connection ensures traffic security, with speeds reaching up to an impressive 200Mbps.

Versatile Interface Support

Rascomstar seamlessly supports an array of interfaces, ranging from E1 and STM1 to IP protocols. Furthermore, our solution offers the flexibility to integrate data or voice compression on Abis or Ater traffic, ensuring optimal bandwidth utilization.

Tailored Architectures for Varied Needs

The architecture of choice can be tailored to meet specific requirements. Whether Point-to-Point for dedicated connections or Multipoint for fiber backup applications, Rascomstar ensures adaptable solutions that fit your unique network structure.

Comprehensive Hub Solutions

Rascomstar’s commitment extends beyond connectivity. We offer a holistic approach, encompassing the design, supply, and installation of corresponding hub solutions. Our comprehensive support ensures your network remains at its operational best.

Experience the next level of mobile connectivity with Rascomstar’s GSM Backhaul – where strategic connectivity, versatile interfaces, and comprehensive support redefine mobile network resilience.